
  1. Coquito
  2. Coq Au Vin Blanc
  1. Coq In computer science, Coq is an interactive theorem prover. It allows the expression of mathematical assertions, mechanically checks proofs of these assertions, helps to find formal proofs, and extracts a certified program from the constructive proof of its formal specification.
  2. What is Cost of Quality (COQ) Cost of Quality is a methodology used to define and measure where and what amount of an organization’s resources are being used for prevention activities and maintaining product quality as opposed to the costs resulting from internal and external failures.

Using Coq

Ask questions about how to use Coq or a specific package, how to learn Coq, and about best practices for developing and maintaining Coq projects.

Developing plugins

Ask questions and share experience and best practices about the development of Coq plugins.

Developing the Coq system

Use this category for any question or discussion related to the development of the Coq software.


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Topics that don’t fit elsewhere: questions about type theory, links to discuss, comments on Discourse, the Coq community…

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Coq Au Vin Blanc

COQ is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms. COQ - What does COQ stand for? The Free Dictionary. The Coq platform Coq has a rich ecosystem of external packages (libraries and plugins) that extend it and make it more powerful. The Coq platform provides an easy way to install Coq and a consistent set of packages on Windows, macOS and many Linux distributions.