Wunderlist Vs Todoist

Todoist does have due times and pops up on due time (or before if you set it in the settings to show like 10 min before). If you use Chrome you'll get notifications even from the browser. Wunderlist looks cool, but it not structured right and not customizable. I tried it for a week and was really annoyed. Todoist vs Wunderlist. Trying to decide between the two. Currently using GTD with pen and paper. Convince me to use Todoist. Hey guys, thanks for the feedback! I have one more question - when adding Todoist to-do's to a calendar, ie integrating Todoist into a calendar, how do tasks show up? Does Todoist have tasks show up at the due time? Todoist is ranked 2nd while Wunderlist is ranked 9th. The most important reason people chose Todoist is: Todoist's web and desktop interfaces have a 2-column layout. The right column has all tasks organized in nested lists with color codes and information such as what people are assigned to each task and which project the task is part of. The left column offers ways of accessing various groups of tasks. The‌ ‌Main‌ ‌Differences‌ ‌Between‌ Todoist vs Wunderlist Todoist supports third-party integrations, whereas Wunderlist does not. Todoist features board templates, whereas Wunderlist does not. Todoist offers notifications, whereas Wunderlist does not.

  1. Todoist
  2. Wunderlist Vs Todoist Reddit

If you ever had to juggle dozens of tasks and team members at the same time, you may need a to-do list app keep things in order. With so many to-do apps available online, it can be difficult to find the right one. For example, how to choose between Wunderlist and Todoist? On the one hand, they share a common goal – help people stay on top of their daily tasks by keeping track of “to-dos”, but on the other hand, they are different with distinguish features.

Read More:


  • Wunderlist Review
  • Todoist Review
  • Wunderlist vs Todoist: Final verdict

Wunderlist Review

What is Wunderlist

Wunderlist, the beloved to-do list tool was created in 2011 and it was purchased by Microsoft in 2015. It is a cloud-based task management and collaboration software that allows you to create to-do lists, set reminders, add notes, and collaborate with team members.

In 2018, Microsoft rolled out its To-Do app on Office 365 and announced that Wunderlist would eventually retire. Now, it is confirmed that Wunderlist will be shut down on May 6th, 2020.

Supported Platforms

Desktop: Web, Windows, OS X, Chromebook

Mobile: iOS (iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch), Android (Phone, Tablet, Wear), Windows Mobile (and Windows Phone), Kindle Fire

Add-ons: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Outlook

Features of Wunderlist

  • Contact management
  • Content management
  • Discussion boards
  • Document management
  • Group calendars
  • Project management
  • Synchronous editing
  • Task management

Wunderlist’s Pros and Cons


  1. It works seamlessly across all the devices (web, desktop, mobile, smartwatch).
  2. Its syncing works perfectly on all devices (and works better than Todoist).
  3. It can be integrated with third-party apps like Zapier, Slack, and HipChat (but not with IFTTT, yet).
  4. It offers more options (than Todoist) to organize your tasks — Folders, Lists, Smart Lists, #Hashtags, and Stars.
  5. It lets you sort the tasks by name, due date, creation date, priority, and assignee.
  6. Its search function is powerful and can be used to search within tasks, sub-tasks, notes, and comments.
  7. It allows you to manually create backups (go to Settings > Account) and then import data from your backups.


  1. It doesn’t show the last synced time.
  2. It doesn’t support markdown.
  3. It hides the sub-tasks from the main view so that you have to click an individual task to see its sub-tasks.

Wunderlist’s Pricing

Wunderlist stopped charging for its Pro features as of April 2018. As a result, anyone that uses Wunderlist can now simply log-in to their Wunderlist account and start using its Pro features without extra payment.

Todoist Review


  • Desktop: Web, Windows, macOS, Chromebook
  • Mobile: iOS (iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch), Android (Phone, Tablet, Wear), Windows Mobile, Apple Watch
  • Add-ons: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Outlook, Gmail

Features of Todoist

Wunderlist Vs Todoist
  • Available on 10+ platforms
  • Recurring due dates
  • SSL secured connection
  • Sub-tasks & sub-projects
  • Task priorities
  • Active projects maximum: 80
  • People per project: 5
  • Pin favourite projects, labels & filters
  • Intelligent input (smart date entry)

Todoist’s Pros and Cons


  1. It works offline (you can open Todoist web and manage tasks even if you are offline).
  2. Its features are just the same on all devices (or not just limited to one platform).
  3. It allows you to set priorities.
  4. You can drag and drop tasks (to rearrange the tasks in a project or between different projects).
  5. It allows you to create a “Project” with emojis in its name (you can also have emoji-only names) and it makes the projects more identifiable.


  1. Its key features — reminders, labels, filters, email to tasks, task comments, and attachments — are all part of their Premium plan.
  2. It doesn’t have a backup option for free users.
  3. It shows an annoying “Upgrade and get more done” on the web version for the free version (but the mobile apps are clean).

Todoist’s Pricing

Todoist offers three plans – free, premium and business plan. Business plan costs $5/month per member, billed annually. Before you sign up for it, you can have a 30-day free trial. Business plan includes:

  • Access on 10+ platforms
  • Recurring due dates
  • SSL connection
  • Sub-tasks and sub-projects
  • Tasks priorities
  • Task labels and reminders
  • Automatic backups
  • Productivity and log-in tracking

Wunderlist vs Todoist: Final verdict

Who is Wunderlist for?

Wunderlist at its core is built as a task management software and as such, it is not meant to serve a big sized team. It is best suited for individual task management. However, differently from most basic to-do apps, it allows to easily share tasks among collaborators and add members to different lists so they can contribute in completing tasks. For example, you could share a shopping list with your wife or husband.

Who is Todoist for?

For those of you who are unsure whether or not you actually need a tool like this, Todoist feels like the obvious choice. The multi-platform and multi-device use will come rather handy when unexpected and urgent tasks appear out of nowhere, and you will appreciate it even more when trying to communicate important projects with your partners. Drag and drop team task management is much appreciated when it comes in tandem with a personal productivity app.

Read the complete comparison between Todoist vs Wunderlist. I have analyzed both these based on Interface, Collaboration, Task and much more. If you are looking to use any of them. Then do read this comparison first and then select your task management tool.

Productivity is one important factor in getting your tasks and goals completed. Some people make a physical journal to keep a to-do list and follow up their day and also keep notes and events in a journal. But the practice of carrying a journal is going away with the onset of productivity applications.


Todoist vs Wunderlist – Which is Better?

We will have a comparison between Todoist vs Wundderlist and see which of these two productivity applications is better than the other one. Moreover, we will look into some factors between them to see what sets them apart.

The Interface

Let us start with the interface of both of the applications. The interface of any application should be clean and easy to follow through.

The Todoist interface is accompanied by a white background and red toolbar in the top. The interface is relatively clean and has a left sidebar menu for your extra features. The red toolbar at the top provides the option to add new tasks, and the search function for tasks. Moreover, it has the setting option from where you can configure your application. Todoist has the option to change the toolbar colour to other colour option from its given 3 options.

Read more: Best Wunderlist Alternatives

Although after having quite an extensive application, the Wunderlist interface is really clean and interactive and makes navigation easy for the users. The application gives the option of setting the background of the application of your choice and then the whole theme of the application will adapt to the image that you have added as the background.

The interface of the Wunderlist application has one left – side menu and a right – side menu, therefore making it a three-panel interface. This makes it really convenient as all the information and tasks are ready at hand and are available to the users directly.

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Therefore, for the interface category of Todoist vs Wunderlist, Wunderlist wins for the interface as it provides more options and customization and moreover has all the information at a convenient place.

Sharing/ Collaboration

Todoist provides the feature of sharing the project with other individuals or teammates. The maximum number of individuals that can collaborate on a single project is 5. They can be connected to the project with an invitation link. With the use of this link and their Todoist account, they can join in on the project and collaborate on it. Even though Todoist has its share of features while collaborating, the users can only comment on the project and there is no option available for the attachment of files.

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Wunderlist has excellent collaboration and sharing features available in the application. It provides the functionality to connect up to 25 users on a single project. The users connected or shared with the project or list can then create sub-topics or tasks for themselves. Wunderlist also overcomes the shortcoming of the Todoist application by providing the feature to upload a file on the project. You can upload a file upto the size of 5MB.

Moreover, to increase the productivity and collaboration, the users or collaborators can add notes and they can also add notes on the platform itself and discuss on the Wunderlist application. Therefore, for the collaboration and sharing comparison category of Todoist vs Wunderlist, Wunderlist wins again with its collaboration and sharing features given above.


The Todoist provides the creation of tasks under Projects. If you want to add a new task, then you would be doing a new Project, or you can also add tasks to an existing Project. After the creation of a task, you can set the properties such as priority of the task, due date, etc. Todoist also allows you the user to add comments to the tasks for the convenience of the user.

Moreover, the premium version of the application provides you with the option to “comment from email” and “activity log”. You can also make a scheduled task and set up reminders and complete tasks. Moreover, you can make sub-tasks for the main task by dragging the task towards the right of the screen.


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Creating tasks in Wunderlist is really simple and convenient. You just make a new task and press the ‘Enter” button for building a new task. This will open the right side menu that gives you these specific options that will help you to “Set due date”, “Reminder”, “Adding a subtask”, “Adding a note”, “Uploading a file”. Wunderlist does a good job of providing everything at a place, so it becomes efficient for the user to make new tasks and sub-tasks.


Therefore, for the Tasks creation of Todoist vs Wunderlist, Wunderlist wins as it is more convenient and easy to make and manage tasks.

Comparison of Browser Extension

The Browser extension for the Todoist is straightforward and clean. The user can view all the tasks that they have pending without even visiting the website. The user can organize their schedule, they can add different sites to the task and they can complete their tasks from the extension itself as there is no need to open up the website and it all can be done from the extension.

Wunderlist vs todoist reddit

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The Wunderlist Browser extension allows the user to add new tasks or new to-do tasks straight from the extension. The extension also shows you the remaining tasks and it provides you with the functionality to checkmark it completed from the extension itself without going to the website. With the new update, the users can select the list or the project that they want to be shown in the browser extension.

Therefore, in the comparison of Todoist vs Wunderlist based on Browser Extension, Wunderlist takes the lead. Wunderlist provides a really simple and lightweight,

The Final Verdict

The Wunderlist is definitely a better option than Todoist. It provides a clean and straightforward interface with a ton of functionalities and collaboration features. Moreover, they offer a good and useful browser extension and has a good community and developer response. But, if you want a really lightweight and general-use application, then you might want to try the Todoist.

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This article helps you to decide between the productivity tool Todoist vs Wunderlist. It provides a comparison based on a browser extension, tasks creation, interface and sharing and collaboration features of both the application. It also has a final verdict about the comparison of Todoist vs Wunderlist.


Wunderlist Vs Todoist Reddit
