Logic Cheat Sheet

The General Search Examples cheat sheet provides examples of useful search queries for different use cases.
For a collection of customer created search queries and their use cases, see the Sumo Logic Community Query Library. For a step-by-step video and tutorial about creating Sumo Logic queries, see the Quick Start Tutorial.

21.5k members in the logic community. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Logic cheat sheet. Logic Gates Cheat Sheet removed at m4yh3m's request until an updated version is made available. Joined Apr 28, 2004 186.

The examples use this sample Apache log message where applicable:

Keyword Expressions

Use CaseSumo Logic Query Example
Look for failed attempts to su or sudo to root.(su OR sudo ) AND (fail* OR error)
Look for errors in sshd logs.sshd AND (fail* OR error OR allowed OR identity)
Look for general authorization failures excluding router messages.auth* AND (fail* OR error?) NOT _sourceCategory=routers

For more information, see Keyword Search Expression.

Sumo Logic Cheat Sheet

Parse, Count, and Top Operators

Use CaseSumo Logic Query Example
Extract 'from' and 'to' fields. For example, if a raw event contains 'From: Jane To: John', then from=Jane and to=John.* | parse 'From: * To: *' as (from, to)
Extract the source IP addresses using a regular expression for the four octets of an IP address.*| parse regex '(?<src_ip>d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3})'
Identify all URL addresses visited, extract them as the 'url' field._sourceCategory=apache
| parse 'GET * ' as url
Identify traffic from Source Category 'apache' and extract the source addresses, message sizes, and the URLs visited._sourceCategory=apache
| parse '* ' as src_IP
| parse ' 200 * ' as size
| parse 'GET * ' as url
For the Source Category 'apache', calculate the total number of bytes transferred to each source IP address._sourceCategory=apache
| parse '* ' as src_IP
| parse ' 200 * ' as size
| count, sum(size) by src_IP
For the Source Category 'apache', calculate the average size of all successful HTTP responses._sourceCategory=apache
| parse ' 200 * ' as size
| avg(size)
For the Source Category 'apache', extract src, size, and URL even if the size field is missing from the log message (nodrop)._sourceCategory=apache
| parse '* ' as src_IP
| parse ' 200 * ' as size nodrop
| parse 'GET * ' as url
Identify the number of times a URL has been visited._sourceCategory=apache
| parse 'GET * ' as url
| count by url
Identify the total number of pages by source IP address._sourceCategory=apache
| parse '* -' as src_ip
| count by src_ip
Identify the total number of pages by source IP address and re-order them by most frequently loaded pages._sourceCategory=apache
| parse '* ' as src_ip
| parse 'GET * ' as url
| count by url
| sort by _count
Identify the top 10 requested pages.* | parse 'GET * ' as url
| count by url
| top 10 url by _count
Identify the top 10 source IP addresses by bandwidth usage._sourceCategory=apache
| parse ' 200 * ' as size
| parse '* -' as src_ip
| sum(size) as total_bytes by src_ip
| top 10 src_ip by total_bytes
Identify the top 100 source IP addresses by number of hits._sourceCategory=apache
| parse '* -' as src_ip
| count by src_ip
| top 100 src_ip by _count

For more information, see Parsing, Count, and Top.


Timeslice and Transpose

Use CaseSumo Logic Query Example
For the Source Category 'apache', count by status_code and timeslice of 1 hour_sourceCategory=apache*
| parse 'HTTP/1.1' * * ' as (status_code, size)
| timeslice 1h
| count by _timeslice, status_code
For the Source Category 'apache', count by status_code and timeslice of 1 hour, transpose status_code to column_sourceCategory=apache*
| parse 'HTTP/1.1' * * ' as (status_code, size)
| timeslice 1h
| count by _timeslice, status_code
| transpose row _timeslice column status_code
For the Source Category 'apache', count by status_code and timeslice into 5 buckets over search result_sourceCategory=apache*
| parse 'HTTP/1.1' * * ' as (status_code, size)
| timeslice 5 buckets
| count by _timeslice, status_code
For the Source Category 'Apache/Access', count messages by status code categories, grouping all 200s, 300s, 400s, and 500s together.

| timeslice 15m
| if (status_code matches '20*',1,0) as resp_200
| if (status_code matches '30*',1,0) as resp_300
| if (status_code matches '40*',1,0) as resp_400
| if (status_code matches '50*',1,0) as resp_500
| if (!(status_code matches '20*' or status_code matches '30*' or status_code matches '40*' or status_code matches '50*'),1,0) as resp_others
| count(*), sum(resp_200) as tot_200, sum(resp_300) as tot_300, sum(resp_400) as tot_400, sum(resp_500) as tot_500, sum(resp_others) as tot_others by _timeslice

Or alternately you can use:_sourceCategory=Apache/Access
| timeslice 15m
| if(status_code matches '20*','200s',
if(status_code matches '30*','300s',
if(status_code matches '40*','400s',
if(status_code matches '50*','500s','Other')))) as status_code_group
| count by _timeslice, status_code_group
| transpose row _timeslice column status_code_group

For more information, see Timeslice and Transpose. Mobile to pc file transfer software, free download.

Conditional Operators

Use CaseSumo Logic Query Example
For the Source Category 'apache', find all messages with a client error status code (40*)_sourceCategory=apache*
| parse 'HTTP/1.1' * * ' as (status_code, size)
| where status_code matches '40*'
For the Source Category 'apache', count hits by browser_sourceCategory=Apache/Acces
| extract '[A-Z]+ S+ HTTP/[d.]+' S+ S+ S+ '(?<agent>[^']+?)'
| if (agent matches '*MSIE*',1,0) as ie
| if (agent matches '*Firefox*',1,0) as firefox
| if (agent matches '*Safari*',1,0) as safari
| if (agent matches '*Chrome*',1,0) as chrome
| sum(ie) as ie, sum(firefox) as firefox, sum(safari) as safari, sum(chrome) as chrome
Use the where operator to match only weekend days.* | parse 'day=*:' as day_of_week
| where day_of_week in ('Saturday','Sunday')
Identify all URLs that contain the subdirectory 'Courses' in the path.*| parse 'GET * ' as url
| where url matches '*Courses*'
Find version numbers that match numeric values 2, 3 or 6. Use the num operator to change the string into a number.* | parse 'Version=*.' as number | num(number)
| where number in (2,3,6)

For more information, see Where and If.

Propositional logic cheat sheet

Logic Rules

LogReduce Operator

Use CaseSumo Logic Query Example
Use Sumo Logic’s clustering algorithm to look for patterns in error/exception incidents in your deployment.exception* or fail* or error* or fatal*
| logreduce

For more information, see LogReduce.

Add Metadata Fields

For any query, you can increase specificity by adding metadata fields to the keyword expression. Metadata fields include _sourceCategory, _sourceHost , and _sourceName.

Edit Source metadata in the Collection tab.

Boolean Logic Cheat Sheet

For details see Search Metadata.