Php Markdown To Html

A common feature of new web applications that are aimed at a particular crowd is Markdown. Markdown is a lightweight way of adding formatting to text that can be converted to HTML.

  1. Php Markdown To Html
  2. Php Markdown To Html Editor
  3. Php Markdown To Html Convert
  4. Php Markdown To Html Free


After 10 years with Sublime Text, I switched to VSCode — the new open source cross-platform editor everyone's talking about. I've spent over a thousand hours perfecting my setup to help you switch today and bring all your custom settings and the power user workflows for HTML/CSS, GitHub/Git & Open Source, supercharged Markdown, and everything from JavaScript to PHP, Go, Python, C, C#, ROR. Parses PHP Markdown Extra abbreviation keys, like.HTML: Hypertext Markup Language. Note that the pandoc document model does not support abbreviations, so if this extension is enabled, abbreviation keys are simply skipped (as opposed to being parsed as paragraphs).

Markdown (маркдаун) — облегчённый язык разметки созданный с целью написания максимально читабельного и удобного для правки текста, но пригодного для преобразования в языки для продвинутых публикаций (HTML, Rich Text и др.).

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Время публикации: среда, 1 июля 2015 г. (5 лет назад)

Добавил:Visweswaran Kartik


Php markdown to html converter

Актуальная версия:
1 янв. 1970 г., 3:00:00 (51 год назад)





Markdown (маркдаун)облегчённый язык разметки созданный с целью написания максимально читабельного и удобного для правки текста, но пригодного для преобразования в языки для продвинутых публикаций (HTML, Rich Text и др.).

This module provides Markdown Editing and Conversion utilities for Yii Framework 2.0. It implements markdown conversion using PHP Markdown Extra and PHP Smarty Pants. In addition, you can customize the flavor of Markdown, by including additional custom conversion patterns. The module also includes an enhanced customized Markdown Editor Widget for markdown editing and preview at runtime. This widget is styled using Bootstrap 3.0. View a complete demo.


This is a markdown converter class that uses PHP Markdown Extra and PHP SmartyPantsTypographer for processing Markdown conversion to HTML. It also supports configurable custom conversion processing of patterns for styling your own flavour of Markdown to some extent.View examples and details or view a complete demo.


This is an advanced markdown input widget with configurable options. It is styled using Bootstrap 3.0. Key features available with this widget are:

  1. Configurable toolbar and buttons for formatting content
  2. Live preview of Markdown formatted text as HTML
  3. Maximize editor for full screen editing
  4. Implements PHP Markdown Extra and PHP SmartyPantsTypographer functionality as provided by the Markdown.
  5. Uses Bootstrap 3.0 styling wherever possible
  6. Allows saving/exporting of the text-editor contents as Text or HTML
  7. Configurable header, footer, and input options.
  8. Supports localization and customization of messages and content.

View examples and details or view a complete demo.


You can see a demonstration here on usage of these functions with documentation and examples.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Note: Check the composer.json for this extension’s requirements and dependencies.Read this web tip /wiki on setting the minimum-stability settings for your application’s composer.json.

Either run

or add

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Php Markdown To Html


Setup Module

Add markdown to your modules section of your Yii configuration file

You can setup additional configuration options for the markdown module:




yii2-markdown is released under the BSD 3-Clause License. See the bundled for details.

Все комментарии (0)

dev-master — 1 янв. 1970 г., 3:00:00 (51 год назад)


1.1.0.x-dev — 1 янв. 1970 г., 3:00:00 (51 год назад)

1.0.0.x-dev — 1 янв. 1970 г., 3:00:00 (51 год назад)

v1.3.1 — 1 янв. 1970 г., 3:00:00 (51 год назад)

v1.3.0 — 1 янв. 1970 г., 3:00:00 (51 год назад)


v1.2.0 — 1 янв. 1970 г., 3:00:00 (51 год назад)

v1.1.0 — 1 янв. 1970 г., 3:00:00 (51 год назад)


Php Markdown To Html Editor

v1.0.0 — 1 янв. 1970 г., 3:00:00 (51 год назад)

Стандартная установка:

Php Markdown To Html Convert

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Php Markdown To Html Free

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