Week 47 2020

Weekly Question/Gear Thread - Week 47, 2020. Ask simple questions and/or get gear help in this thread! If you are asking for help with gear, either include a d3planner link, your battle.net profile, or screenshots of the items you want to compare. Creating your own thread is still acceptable but we advice you to try here atleast! Week 47 Report Date: Friday, December 11, 2020 The purpose of this report is to describe the spread and prevalence of influenza-like illness (ILI) in Indiana. It is meant to provide local health departments, hospital administrators, health professionals and residents with a.


Week 47 2020 calendar


Calendar week 47 20202020Week 47 2020Week 47 2020
  • In week 47, one (1) cVDPV2 positive AFP case was reported by the laboratory. The female child, aged 59 months, had onset of paralysis on 18 October 2020. She resides in an accessible community in Beletweyn district, Hiran region.
  • In total, 13 cVDPV2 cases have been reported in 2020. The date of onset of the most recent cVDPV2 case is 18 October 2020.
  • This week, one (1) cVDPV2-positive environmental sample was detected, collected on 24 October from 21 October site in Waberi district, Banadir. Twenty-six (26) cVDPV2 positive environmental samples have been reported so far in 2020.
  • Steps taken in response to recent virus detections include detailed case investigations, healthy child sampling, raisingcommunity awareness, sensitizing health workers to acute flaccid paralysis, and intensified active case search.
  • Preparations are ongoing for the next outbreak response round in Somaliland with mOPV2 and the start of the National Immunization Days with bOPV to be conducted in December.
  • Seventy-six (76) new suspected cases of measles were detected in week 47, bringing the total in 2020 to 2242.

Week 47 2020

*data as reported in Weekly Somalia EPI/PEI update, ending 21 November.
*aVDPV1 cases are not currently reflected in Somalia’s overall case count for the outbreak, to ensure consistency with global reporting of VDPV cases.